Most of the time when we think of deadly disease our focus is on cancer, I’ve learned this shouldn’t be our main focus. What we need to focus on are the instigators, the causes of our bodies becoming sick with this disease.
Many people think of cancer cells as something foreign in their bodies, they look at them as if they were parasites or something of the like invading their bodies. I have news for you fellow humans, those cancer cells belong to you. They are your own cells gone awry.
The main reason we get cancer is not what we think, it’s not heredity. Only 5% of the cancers affecting people now are inherited. The other 95% are caused by our environment, yes our environment. We have 25,000 genes in our body and each of these genes can be expressed in 30,000 different ways, these 30,000 ways of expressions are determined by the things in our environment. The 5% of cancers that are inherited can also be avoided if we take measures to change their expressions.
They are caused by what we eat, drink, think, what we put on our bodies and what we inhale into our bodies through our lungs. Our immune systems were created to handle a lot of crap, but today there is too much crap for the immune system to handle. There are now over 84,000 different chemicals let loose on our environment. Only one percent of these chemicals have been tested for their affects on humans.
Many of these chemicals we come in contact with each and every day in our cosmetics, the food we eat, the water we drink, the different toxic fumes we inhale from air fresheners, cigarette smoke, pollution in the air from industry, etc.. Oh yes and the constant stressors we are bombarded with almost every second of the day.
It’s time for us to step back and remember what we are, humans, designed to eat food not chemicals, to drink clean healthy water, to inhale clean air and to live a life with minimal stress.
I read some articles a few days ago about the human life span, it was said that we should be able to live around 120 years. The way we are going now don’t look like we will ever make it.
Til next time.